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Friday, 31 May 2013

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GOGO Baby Name. Origin and Meaning of GOGO

GOGO Baby Name. Origin and Meaning of GOGO

The Name GOGO is a girl's name. It is 2 syllables long and is pronounced 'g(O)- go'.
The name GOGO or slight variations of GOGO are seen in the origins African

Meanings and Origins of the Name GOGO.

African Meanings of GOGO (Male)- A Tonga and Shona of Zambia of Zimbabwe word meaning 'grandmother.'

GOGO has the following similar or variant Names:     Amburlee  Amber 

GOGO Name Popularity

The name GOGO, is the 24323rd most popular baby name at mybaby.net.au placing it in the top 31% of names on our site. In the year year (2006), GOGO was the 5455th most popular name, and is in the top 27% for the year.
In the year year (2007), GOGO was the 4516th most popular name, and is in the top 7% for the year.
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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Gogo Offers Facebook

Gogo Offers Facebook

Gogo Offers Facebook
Gogo Offers Facebook
After giving away free in-flight Wi-Fi during the holidays, airlines are trying a different promotional strategy with free Facebook access.

American Airlines, AirTran, Alaska Airlines, Delta, United Airlines, US Airways and Virgin America are all taking part in the Facebook promo, which will be offered throughout February on U.S. flights in partnership with Gogo Inflight Internet, USA Today reports. It’s not clear whether Facebook is directly involved in the deal, but it is the most-visited site via Gogo.

In-flight Wi-Fi, which ranges from $5 for short flights to $13 for long ones, hasn’t taken off in a big way. In-stat analyst Amy Cravens estimates that 7 percent to 10 percent of passengers on any given Wi-Fi flight will pay for the service.

To boost interest, Gogo and several airlines partnered with Google for free Wi-Fi last holiday season, allowing access to the entire Internet. But I’m not sure how effective that promotion was; getting a constant connection during my holiday flights was tougher than usual because of high demand, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

By limiting freeloaders to Facebook, Gogo can keep a lid on bandwidth while showing off its service. And once people have their laptops up and online, convincing them to pay for full Internet access might be easier.

Just one problem: If you were already worried about Facebook giving away your personal information, now you’ve got to deal with the guy in the seat next to you peeking over your shoulder as well.



THE FUNKEE BUNCH live in a lush, tropical, beautiful, jungle environment full of all kinds of greenery, flower and plant life, fruits, and vegetables. The setting is very colorful and fantastic looking - most inviting and pleasant to the eyes. In this fantasy animal and jungle environment there are homes, families, social groups, rich and poor, good and bad, schools, businesses, neighborhoods, conflicts, celebrations, transportation systems, restaurants, and even a government. Everything  just like a typical human society. There is much that THE FUNKEE BUNCH witness and experience living in the society and therefore there is much to sing about. Adults as well as kids will be able to learn a lot through the cartoon.


Music plays a very vital role for THE FUNKEE BUNCH, after all they are a band. THE FUNKEE BUNCH’S style of music is as diverse as the characters themselves. THE FUNKEE BUNCH put their own unique blend on such musical styles as rock-n-roll, dance, rap, reggae, country, acappella, etc.. One thing is for sure, no matter what style of music they are playing, they will lift your spirits, get your hands clapping and your toes tapping!

Aircell also changed its company name to Gogo

Aircell also changed its company name to Gogo
Aircell also changed its company name to Gogo
Aircell, an Itasca-based technology company that outfits airplanes with in-flight Wi-Fi, is launching a multimedia service that gives fliers access to real-time news, shopping, travel information and social networking.

Aircell also changed its company name to Gogo
Aircell also changed its company name to Gogo
Aircell also changed its company name to Gogo, the brand name for its Wi-Fi service on commercial airlines, and created a new logo. The company will continue to provide business aviation services under the Aircell brand name.

At a Thursday press event at its headquarters, Gogo executives showed a mock-up of a website that will be the portal for its new services. Fliers access the site on their individual devices, such as a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Ash ElDifrawi, Gogo’s chief marketing officer, said each airline can customize the site to incorporate its own branding and content. Consumers can shop online at luxury flash sale site Gilt, book restaurant reservations in their destination city through OpenTable or browse People magazine.

Fliers who want to browse the Internet freely have to pay for in-flight Wi-Fi. The website will roll out in the fourth quarter with Delta and executives said Thursday they hope all of the company’s airline partners will offer the platform by early next year.

Gogo also demonstrated its in-flight video streaming service, which is in a beta testing phase and will launch in the fall with American Airlines. The service allows consumers to rent videos, such as feature films and TV shows, and watch them on their own mobile devices. Rentals are good for 24 hours, so if a flight lands before a movie is over, the person can continue watching the video later on the same gadget.

Executives said they are experimenting with different pricing for the streaming video service. On the demonstration, the rental price for a feature film such as “The Bourne Ultimatum” was $3.99.